Overview of Schedule
July 5-10, 2009

Nearly all the activities of the Symposium take place on Vanderbilt University’s welcoming campus. Some special events may be held nearby, with free transportation provided.

The Symposium’s daily schedule consists of early morning group practices, breakfast, a keynote session by one of the Grandmasters, a morning session of concurrent workshops by two of the five taijiquan Grandmasters, lunch and social time, an early afternoon session of presentations and lectures by leading medical and scientific researchers and academic experts, a mid afternoon session of concurrent workshops by the other two taijiquan Grandmasters, dinner and social time, and an evening special event. Built into the schedule also are times for networking, shopping in our special vendors’ “Silk Road” area, and making friends. And of course we will find opportunities for touring Nashville and visiting the famous Music Row. Click here for the detailed view of the Symposium schedule.

The Grandmasters each will give a Keynote Address introducing their family style’s methods and movements and special characteristics, and each will teach a short 16-move routine derived from their traditional family style. These are presented on a rotation so that you can experience all five styles. Click Here to see the detailed schedule for each of the Grandmasters keynote address and workshops.

The Researcher and Practitioner Presentations have been selected. Click Here to see the exciting line-up of topics to be presented at the Symposium. 

The Symposium’s Registration/Reception/Hospitality and Information Central is open every day and is located in The Commons, our headquarters on campus.

Meals (reasonable price, good quality) in The Commons Dining Hall may be purchased as a package for those staying in an on-campus residence hall or individually for those not staying on the Vanderbilt campus.

Accommodations can be obtained very reasonably in the university’s residence halls or at special rates in nearby hotels. We suggest that you arrive a day or two early, or stay an extra day or two, to enjoy more of the area’s attractions.

Special Guests, in addition to the Five Grandmasters and the scientists and academic experts, include the Mayor of the City of Nashville, Mayor of the City of Taiyuan, China, representatives of Nashville’s Sister Cities Organization, The Chinese Embassy in the U.S., Vanderbilt University Medical Center for Integrative Health, Annabelle’s Wish, Symposium Sponsors, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, officials of international organizations of Tai Chi Chuan and martial arts, perhaps a country music star…

Special Evening Events Schedule

Saturday, July 4

National U.S.A. Independence Day Celebration. Nashville’s Fourth of July patriotic celebration and firework display are rated third in the U.S. (wow). Bring the family and enjoy all-day-and-evening holiday fun! No Symposium activities scheduled.

Sunday, July 5

Opening Day: Symposium Registration and check-in, Pre-Symposium workshops and orientation  activities, Grand Opening Sessions, Welcome Reception, Silk Road Trade Show.

Monday, July 6

Welcome Banquet and International Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Association’s 10th Anniversary Celebration.

Tuesday, July 7

Open Forum, a lively and interactive group discussion on Tai Chi Chuan by the Grandmasters and Scientific Researchers; questions posed by Symposium participants.

Wednesday, July 8 Round Table Forum, an opportunity to interact with Tai Chi practitioners, Scientific Researchers and Academic Experts.
Thursday, July 9

Grand Showcase and Masters Demonstrations. Extraordinary performances by the Grandmasters and lineage holders of Tai Chi Chuan, traditional Chinese music, American Country and Western music, Chinese children’s dance, more, more, more….

Friday, July 10 Closing ceremonies, Friendship Party.
All Week

“Silk Road,” the Symposium’s trade show, featuring vendors of interesting cultural merchandise, music, DVDs, books, instructional materials and study aids, memorabilia and treasures of all kinds.

Sunday, July 5

8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Symposium’s Registration/Reception and Information Central is open all day.
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Pre-Symposium workshop (Master Helen Wu presents "Therapeutic Qigong")
2:00-4:00 p.m. Pre-Symposium workshop (Master Su Zifang presents "Gentle and Safe Warmups")
5:00-9:30 p.m. Reception and Grand Opening
6:00-9:30 p.m.

Grand Opening: Welcome Notes, Spotlight Sessions: Introductions of Grandmasters, Science Experts, Academic Presenters, Sponsors, Special Guests.

Daily Schedule, Monday through Friday


Keynote address, morning and afternoon Tai Chi Chuan workshops, medical and science lectures and academic presentations, Silk Road Trade Show, Evening Special Events.

Registration Monday: 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
6:15-7:00 a.m. Morning Sunrise Practice on the Esplanade
One morning with the Grandmasters at Nashville’s “Parthenon” park (photo ops)!
7:00-8:15 a.m. Breakfast, The Commons Dining Hall
8:45-9:45 a.m. Keynote Address: Grandmaster of Tai Chi Chuan, Auditorium
9:45-10:15 a.m. Break
10:15-11:45 a.m. Tai Chi Chuan Workshops, by two Grandmasters of Tai Chi Chuan, Gymnasiums
11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Lunch, The Commons Dining Hall
1:30-3:00 p.m. Lectures and Presentations by Medical and Science Researchers and Academic Experts 
3:00-3:30 p.m. Break
3:30-5:00 p.m. Tai Chi Chuan Workshops, by two Grandmasters of Tai Chi Chuan, Gymnasiums
5:00-6:15 p.m. Dinner, The Commons Dining Hall
7:30 p.m. Special Event of the Evening

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Phone: 615-618-8096 - Fax: 502-863-3484
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